Our Vision

Growing productivity

A place of green enterprise and innovation that drives aspiration and opportunity. Raising skills and living standards in this part of Huntingdonshire.

Central to our vision for Sibson Garden Community is EcoDynamo – an ambitious innovation park of over 40 acres focused on the technologies of the future.

EcoDynamo will be an innovation hub of national significance, which will attract businesses of different scales and from different sectors to invest in the future of the region.

The concept is for a new type of working environment that blends work space with community and home space creating a campus which is fully integrated with the town, not an isolated business or science park.

A campus that considers our climate

EcoDynamo will be a national centre of excellence for off-site manufacturing and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), potentially linked to and partnering with the growing University of Peterborough.

It will have a comprehensive programme of engagement with local schools, colleges and employers, developing skills and providing apprenticeships.

Spin-offs from the centre for excellence will have space and support provided, with incubators and accelerator space for new enterprises, co-working and the capacity to create the next successful companies in advanced manufacturing and green industries.

  • Renewable
  • Sustainable
  • Raise Living
  • Green
  • Self-Sufficient